Skydio X10 is here, and we’re bringing it to cities across the country for hands-on fly days.
Experience Skydio X10 live. See firsthand how easy it is to fly. And how having the best sensors in a drone this small, piloted by the most advanced AI in the sky will help you capture the best data possible. Never flown a drone before? Don’t worry. Our autonomous technology makes Skydio X10 super easy to fly. We can’t wait to show you.
Come fly with us and learn why:
- Trusted by every branch of the U.S. DoD, all FVEY countries and across NATO
- More than 320 law enforcement offices rely on Skydio drones to keep communities safer in 47 US states and across Canada
- Skydio drones are the trusted choice of more than 1,500 commercial enterprises and government agencies where data, cyber, and national security matter most
- More than two-thirds of state DOTs rely on Skydio
You’ll also experience Skydio Dock, Remote Ops, and Remote Flight Deck. See first-hand how you can use these technologies to automate perimeter patrol, streamline inspection and awareness in remote environments, and deploy a drone as a first response.
Enjoy complimentary refreshments while having fun flying
“We had folks with zero flight experience up inside bridge decks within a second flight.” -Ryan Marlow, UAS Program Manager, Alaska Department of Transportation
“Drones are playing a significant role assisting with police work while keeping our officers and the public safe. Just this month, we've seen drone deployments find an assault victim and thwart burglary suspects.” -Oklahoma City Police Department